Cigar shop near me: Your Complete Cohiba Cigars Guide

Unveiling the World of Cohiba Cigars: A Connoisseur's Guide

Every passionate smoker will find temptation in the word COHIBA. Though the name originated with Cuban Cohiba cigars, Dominican-made Cohibas have become equally sought-after (and offer more variety). This guide explores why.

Cohiba Red Dot, Cohiba Black, Cohiba Nicaragua, and Cohiba Macassar are among the most popular collections sold in the United States, all tried and reviewed by our advisors.

What Does "Cohiba" Mean?

In the cigar world, Cohiba cigars are instantly recognizable. The name comes from the Taino language of the indigenous people of Cuba and Hispaniola (modern-day Dominican Republic). "Cohiba" and "Cojoba" were used interchangeably. Historically, "Cohiba" referred to a tobacco shop, sometimes specifically "cured tobacco" or even "cigar" itself, highlighting its connection to tobacco cultivation and consumption. Essentially, Cohiba means "tobacco."

Interestingly, a related Taino word, "Cuaba," described a flammable bush used for torches. While similar-sounding to Cohiba, Cuaba represents a distinct aspect of Taino culture.

The Origins of Cohiba Cigars

While a relatively young Cuban cigar brand, Cohiba quickly achieved legendary status. The story begins in the mid-1960s. Legend says Fidel Castro's bodyguard introduced him to a uniquely rolled cigar. Intrigued, Castro sought out the roller and commissioned a production facility in 1968, initially producing cigars exclusively for high-ranking officials and himself. These were rare luxuries, kept under tight security, until their release to the public in the early 1980s.

Cohiba's history is intertwined with the Cuban Embargo. The embargo prevented U.S. recognition of Cuban trademarks, allowing General Cigar to trademark a rival disposable vape Cohiba brand in the U.S. in 1978 (resulting in the Cohiba Red Dot), much to the chagrin of Cubatabaco, Cuba's state-run tobacco shop industry. Despite this conflict, both the Cohiba Red Dot and Cuban Cohiba have established themselves globally, each representing different facets of the Cohiba legacy.

Calling Out Fake Cuban Cohibas

Cuban Cohibas are among the most expensive cigars worldwide (excluding the U.S.) and, unfortunately, among the most counterfeited. If you're wondering if a Cuban Cohiba is genuine, it's likely a fake. However, if you paid little for it and enjoyed the taste and smoke, consider it a positive experience.

Cohiba cigars

Contemporary Cohiba Cigars

Since their debut in the 1970s and through the Cigar Boom, the Cohiba name has been synonymous with quality. Even non-smokers often recognize the brand. In spring 2017, General Cigar (owner of the non-Cuban Cohiba brand) appointed Sean Williams as brand ambassador to enhance the Cohiba experience and improve retailer and consumer engagement. Williams has played a key role in overseeing Cohiba events and introducing new products like the Cohiba Royale.

About Our List of Cohiba Cigars

Our Cohiba guide features every Cohiba cigar currently available at Famous Smoke Shop. These concise descriptions, based on our tasting notes, offer insights into what to expect from each cigar. Share your thoughts on any Cohiba cigar mentioned in our guide by leaving a comment below!

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